Good luck charm is a special item that can bring the owner luck and success in business. Guardian can do it yourself, make a gift, order or buy in specialty stores.
Features and types
According to magic amulets talismans to attract good luck are divided into animate and inanimate. The first group includes a variety of plants, the second — items.
Common talismans:
- One of the real symbol of good luck four-leaf clover. With four leaves is found one plant in ten thousand to get it will be possible rare felix.
- In China it has long been believed that the corn will bring good luck. Of course, nobody is going to keep a corn on the cob. To attract fortune wrap in a scarf or sew in ward nine grains.
- Live mascot is a pine tree. Pine cone has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and planted near the house the tree will be protected from evil spirits.

There are still mascots, so many beliefs associated with magical properties of precious and semiprecious stones.
It was believed that:
- pearls helps to maintain the welfare of the family;
- cat's eye will bring success in love and money;
- emerald will help to focus;
- carnelian eliminates melancholy;
- the Labrador will protect from bad dreams.
Other mascots can be:
- silver key – a symbol of good luck and prosperity;
- a rabbit's foot will bring the owner luck in all undertakings and protection;
- figurine toad with a coin in his mouth according to Chinese beliefs brings prosperity;
- horseshoe over the door — according to the Slavic beliefs the sign of well-being.
Lucky charms zodiac signs
In ancient times believed that the movement of the planets affects a person's life. Zodiac signs can influence the suitable mascot.
- Aries. Aries characteristic, a thorough approach and emotionality. Great choice of talisman for this sign will be the pendant of garnet, ruby or heliotrope. It is desirable that the mascot came to the owner accidentally or was gifted, so it will work more efficiently.
- Taurus. Taureans are known for the ability to stand your ground and rationality. A suitable mascot for them to be an image, figurine or keychain in the form of a cat. The animal is famous for flexibility and agility, will help stubborn calves to avoid conflicts.
- Gemini. Optimistic and good-natured Gemini talisman in the form of an hourglass will give you the ability to avoid undue carelessness as to the vital issues. The amulet will also allow you to focus on work stuff.
- Cancer. Cancers characterized by the love of art, representatives of the sign is inclined to artistic professions. Cancers required a talisman which will bring them back to reality, protection from external negativity. A good choice of amulet will be the figure of a snake. It is in many countries considered a symbol of wisdom, and in the form of a talisman will protect from failures.
- Lion. Ambitious, strong-willed Leos will suit mascot in the form of a bird. A talisman will bring the owner of invisible wings, will contribute to the development of leadership skills.
- Virgin. Demanding and attentive to detail Virgos should pay attention to the decoration of the tin. Talismans will help members not to get upset over little things and attract wealth.
- Weight. Balanced scales suitable amulet-horseshoe. The talisman will help them to establish beneficial contacts and attract successful discoveries.
- Scorpio. Restless Scorpios will protect their adventures hairpin with a bead. It is advisable to choose a bead is red, which will symbolize health and prosperity.
- Sagittarius. Impatient Shooters from making hasty decisions will protect the figure of a turtle. The animal was considered a symbol of calmness and deliberateness.
- Aquarius. Talisman in the shape of a heart will make Aquarius more restraint in dealing with other people. Will not throw words to the wind and to win the leadership.
- Capricorn. Capricorns can choose the decoration in the form of a dragonfly. A symbol of serenity will give the representatives of the signs of confidence and optimism, which they lack.
- Fish. Fish can purchase the amulet of the sun. Talisman get rid of indecision and charge with the energy needed to achieve goals.
Where to get the good luck charm?
A mandatory rule in the choice of mascot is to follow his heart. The time purchased under the influence of internal fit detail can serve as more reliable than the amulet created without proper mood.
Of course, it is better that the mascot was made with your own hands, but allowed that the creation involved a relative, friend or loved one.
In any case, do not use in the form of mascot gifts negative people or unpleasant to you.
How to make your own hands?
The first step is to choose an amulet that are going to create. Decide what mascot suits you best.
The mascot is, in fact, an "object of power" associated with a particular owner. For increased protection you can put on an amulet of magical symbols, the name of the owner or runes. Sometimes to establish a connection with the amulet on it leave a drop of blood.
Rules of manufacturingAn important aspect of creating good luck charm at home is full concentration on the task at hand.
The rules of the talismans are:
- the creation of the amulet, it is necessary to distinguish the free from the worries of the day;
- do not allow anybody to distract and disturb you while you work;
- unplug the phone, turn on some soft relaxing music;
- in advance, prepare the ingredients for the talisman.
All the materials to create the good luck charm needed natural.
Talismans that you can do yourself
You can create a lot of mascots with their hands, some of the most effective is:
- a talisman made of paper or cardboard;
- pouch for good luck;
- monetary tangle;
- magic wax;
- bracelet made of threads;
- the Arab mascot;
- Imperial amulet for luck and wealth.
The creation of a talisman made of paper or cardboard will not take much time, but a properly made talisman will bring good luck. To begin, decide what shade of paper to choose from.
The most appropriate colors of paper:
- White is the color of new beginnings, purity and restraint. Mascot white color suitable for those who started their way to the target, wants to succeed in the working field.
- Red symbolizes health and emotion. To choose a color is for those who want to build relationships, to be revealed in the creative plan.
- Black is often perceived with a negative value, however, this perception is fundamentally wrong. Black finish, energy absorption. It is to choose people who want to finish old business, to dissociate itself from the problems of the past.
Once decided on the color of the paper, begin to create a talisman:
- Cover the table white, preferably new cloth.
- Put on the middle of the tablecloth clean sheet or cardboard.
- The edges of the tablecloth, arrange four candles and light them.
- Draw on paper the figure or inscription. Should write on the sheet you want, as if they have already come true: "I bought house" or "Dylan confessed his love". For illustration, you should choose a rune, the image of the sun or of the heart, which will help to attract positive energy.
- Wait until the candles conburet igni looking at the text or image on paper. Try to visualize their dreams.
To keep such wishes should be closer to yourself. Put it in your wallet or put it in the breast pocket.Pouch for good luck

Pleasant and easy to manufacture mascot will be the pouch for good luck.
- to create it you will need the following materials:
- red cloth 25 by 15 centimeters;
- colored thread;
- dried herb.
Materials are ready, proceed to the creation of the mascot:
- The fabric is folded in half and stitched on two sides.
- In the resulting pouch foldable grass. Choose mint, lavender, rosemary or cloves.
- Tie the neck with seven threads, and then leave on the window for a week.
Pouch for good luck done on the growing moon, so it will take more power. Made correctly, it will bring luck for many years.
Cash ballTo create this amulet you will need:
- a tangle of wool yarn;
- a small coin.
The coat must be new, not used for knitting products, or used to.
Begin by creating a mascot:
- Take the thread and begin to wind in a new ball, inserting coins.
- Say the plot: "the Thread strands of luck come, the ball will get happiness in the house attached".
After completion of manufacture need to leave a talisman in the moonlight on the windowsill, so he will be charged with the energy of the moon and bring home happiness and prosperity.
Magic waxTo create the amulet will only need the wax. Select vending the candle, the color and shape of the product is unimportant.
Proceed to the production of:
- In the phase of waxing moon, light a candle at midnight.
- While the flame burns, tell me about all your desires and dreams. Try to formulate them as clearly as possible.
- When the candle melts, do not throw away the wax, fold it into a linen bag.
Keep the wax away from the eyes of detractors. The talisman will help to achieve the fulfillment of all desires.
Bracelet from threads
To create the amulet often choose red thread to attract good luck.
Creating talisman:
- Take three strands and begin to braid"pigtail", are alternately superposed one on another.
- In the middle of the bracelet you can weave red glass bead to enhance the talisman.
- Obtained pigtail tie a knot at the wrist.
Umelitsy can weave a thread leather strap, so luck will be a solid basis, will increase intuition and connection with nature. The talisman will protect from misfortune and slander, will attract luck.
Arab mascotOne of the strong Arabic talismans, bringing good luck is the hand of Fatima. Amulet in the form of palm are often found in the form of figurines and pendants, but it is possible to represent yourself.
The algorithm for generating the Arabic talisman for good luck:
- Light a candle.
- Take a piece of paper and draw a hand of Fatima. It is desirable to draw a talisman blue colors, it will strengthen its protective properties.
- Add in the center of the picture image of an eye to sharpen intuition.
- Wait until the candle burns out.
Ready-made mascot wiser to lay out near the front door, not to let failure in the building or on the desktop for luck in business.
Imperial amulet for luck and wealthFor the manufacture of amulets you need coin. Do not take the first available. Perhaps in an antique shop, there is an option for everyone.
Creating talisman:
- Drilled in the middle of the coin hole. Making a hole, be sure to think about the treasured desire.
- Take a thread or cord red and put a coin.
- Tie the thread in a double knot being tied to the thread good luck.
The amulet will not only affect the financial side of life, but also protect from calamities, will attract power to the dream.

How to activate the talisman?
After choosing a mascot it should be cleaned of negative energies and activate. If the material of the amulet is not fragile, it is necessary to clean running water. Another effective option would be to fumigate the mascot. For the ritual you will need incense sticks or candles. Can be cleaned by dipping a protective sign in the sand.
To activate the talisman you need to:
- Relax, close your eyes and mentally visualize how it goes dirt and negativity.
- The easiest and most effective way to activate the talisman to take it in hand, hold-to-face and rhythmically to exhale on him.
- During activation, you need to concentrate on the tasks that you must carry the talisman and the attraction of positive.
- To fully charge the talisman imagine decurrant is the amulet power which will protect in the future.
- Talisman need to speak to whisper to him about their desires.